Data Protection Policy

Considering that everyone has the right to the protection of their personal data, Espírito Santo - Local Accommodation defines its Data Protection Policy.

It is our commitment to preserve your privacy, as we take seriously the processing of the personal data we collect in the course of our business.

With this Data Protection Policy we aim to make it as clear as possible by affirming our commitment and respect for the new privacy and personal data protection rules adopted under the General Data Protection Regulation (EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016).

Given that the abovementioned Regulation, in Articles 13th and 14th, requires certain information to be provided to data subjects, it is considered to be provided by reading this Data Protection Policy.

How do you accept the terms defined here?

If you continue to use our services, either through the website or in person, this means knowing and accepting this Policy.

If you do not agree to this Policy, you may choose not to access our services.

Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data?

The person responsible for the processing of your personal data is:

Espírito Santo - Alojamento Local, located at Rua Carvalho Araújo 78, 9500-040 Ponta Delgada.
Telephone: 296 287 162; 962 310 547;

What is personal data?

“Personal data” means any information, of whatever nature and whatever its medium, relating to an identified or identifiable person (data subject).

Identifiable is a person who can be recognized, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier, such as a name, identification number, location data, electronic identifiers or one or more specific physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity elements.

How do we collect your data?

Some of your personal data is collected through interactions with you and we obtain some of it through your access to our website. This way, we collect personal information as well as data from your device.

What personal data do we collect?

Espírito Santo - Aojamento Local collects and processes the personal data necessary to provide its services and/or subscriptions.

  • When you contact us to enter into a contract you will need personal data such as: your name, age, profession, citizen card / ID card, taxpayer, date of birth, contact details (email, phone number and postal address) as well as real estate data.

    Given that the transmission of some of these data is mandatory, if not provided, Espírito Santo may not provide the requested service/contract.

  • Our website does not require any form of registration, so you can visit without identifying yourself. However, by accessing our website, a set of computer data is automatically collected, which is temporarily stored in its own files and automatically deleted after a certain period. The collection of these data has purely technical purposes. The data in question are as follows: IP address of the requesting processor; date and time of access; name and URL of downloaded file; volume of transmitted data; indication of whether the transfer was successful; browser software and operating system identification data; website from which you accessed our website; name of the internet service provider.

What are the purposes of collecting your data?

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Provision and management of contracted/subscribed services

    Whenever it is part of the contract or if due diligence is performed at your request, your data will be used in all acts necessary for the performance of this contract.

    From time to time, we may contact you by email and/or SMS for administrative reasons.

    Since these communications are operational in nature and are not made for marketing purposes, you will continue to receive them even if you have opted out of marketing communications.

    We will also use your personal data to respond to your requests, suggestions or contacts and of course to improve our services.

  • Marketing Communications

    If you have indicated that you would like to receive marketing campaigns, with the best business opportunities in the field, disclosure of new properties, events, fairs, campaigns, etc.

    Please note that your personal data will never be shared with other companies for marketing purposes except with your consent.

  • Study, improvement, development and adaptation of our services to your interests and needs

    Through the processing of your personal data, we are able to tailor our services to your needs and preferences.

    We may also collect information about how you use our website to understand what your tastes and preferences are.

  • Meet our administrative and business goals

    Business objectives for which we use your information include accounting, billing and auditing, credit card or other verification, fraud analysis, security, legal and procedural effects, statistical studies, and system development and maintenance.

  • Comply with legal requirements (fraud prevention and investigations)

    Due to legal obligation, namely based on Law 83/2017 of 18 August, which establishes measures to combat money laundering and terrorist financing, we may have to provide your personal data to certain entities.

What are the legal grounds for processing your personal data?

Our legitimacy for the processing of your personal data is provided for:

  1. In point b) of the 1st of article 6th of the GDPR when the collection and processing of your personal data is based primarily on the contractual relationship you have with us;

  2. In point a) of the 1st of article 6th of the GDPR when we send you our newsletters, as it is based on your consent that we made them available;

  3. In point c) of the 1st of article 6th of the GDPR if the treatment is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation to which we are subject.

How long will the data be retained?

The period during which data is stored varies depending on the purpose for which it was collected, if there is no specific legal requirement.

There are, however, legal requirements that require data to be retained for a certain period.

What are the rights as data subjects?

You have the right to request the controller to exercise the following rights:

  1. Data subject's right of access: you have the right to obtain from the controller the confirmation that the personal data concerning you are processed or not and, if appropriate, the right to access your personal data and the information provided for in the General Regulations of Data protection.

  2. Right of rectification: the holder has the right to obtain, without undue delay, from the controller the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him.

  3. Right to delete data (“right to be forgotten”): the holder has the right to obtain from the controller the deletion of his or her personal data without undue delay, and the latter has an obligation to delete the personal data without undue delay when, inter alia, one of the following reasons applies:

    1. the personal data is no longer needed for the purpose that motivated their collection or processing;

    2. the holder withdraws the consent on which data processing is based (when it is based on consent) and if there is no other legal basis for such processing;

    3. the holder opposes the treatment and there are no prevailing legitimate interests justifying the treatment;

    4. the personal data was treated illicitly;

    5. the personal data must be deleted in order to comply with a legal obligation under Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject;

    6. the personal data was collected in the context of information society services.

    However, it should be noted that this right contains some exceptions.

  4. Right to treatment limitation: the data subject has the right to obtain from the controller the limitation of processing if one of the following applies:

    1. challenge the accuracy of personal data for a period that allows the controller to verify its accuracy;

    2. the processing is unlawful and the data subject objects to the deletion of personal data and requests, in return, to limit its use;

    3. the controller no longer needs personal data for processing purposes, but such data is required by the holder for the purpose of declaring, exercising or defending a right in legal proceedings;

    4. if you have opposed processing, until the legitimate reasons of the controller prevail over those of the data subject.

  5. Right to opposition the data subject has the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to his particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning him. The controller shall cease the processing of personal data, unless he gives compelling and legitimate reasons for such processing which outweigh the data subject's interests, rights and freedoms, or for the purpose of declaring, exercising or defending a right in a judicial process. When personal data are processed for the purpose of direct marketing, the data subject has the right to object at any time to the processing of personal data concerning him for the purposes of such marketing, which includes profiling to the extent where it relates to direct marketing.

    If the data subject opposes the processing for the purposes of direct marketing, personal data will no longer be processed for that purpose.

  6. Right of data portability: the data subject has, under the terms and conditions defined by law, the right to receive personal data concerning him that he has provided to a controller, in a structured format, in common use and automatic reading, and the right to pass on such data to another controller without the data subject being provided with personal data protection if:

    1. The treatment is based on consent or a contract;

    2. The treatment is performed by automated means.

  7. Right not to be subject to any automated decision, including profile definition: The data subject has the right not to be subject to any decision taken solely on the basis of automated processing, including profile definition, which has effects in its legal sphere or which significantly affects it in a similar way.

  8. Right to withdraw consent: If data processing is based on consent, the data subject has the right to withdraw his consent at any time without compromising the lawfulness of the processing based on prior consent.

  9. Right to know of a data breach

  10. Right to complain to a supervisory authority: the data subject has the right at any time to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory and control authority, ie the National Data Protection Commission (CNPD), located at Avenida D. Carlos I No. 134, 1, 1200-651 Lisbon, with the following contacts: Phone: +351 213 928 400 (national landline call); fax: +351 213 976 832; email:


The exercise of these rights is free unless you make unjustified or excessive requests. In this case, a reasonable fee may be charged based on administrative costs.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, you should contact us at:

  1. From a request sent by letter to the address mentioned above.

  2. From a dedicated form, available upon request.

  3. From a request sent by email to:

Is there a possibility of disclosure of personal data?

Your personal data may be communicated to service providers, subcontractors or third parties for the purpose of providing the services, and to judicial, tax and regulatory authorities for the purpose of complying with legal requirements.

We are committed to protecting you

Because we are committed to protecting you, we have taken the appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure and be able to demonstrate that the treatment is carried out in accordance with applicable law, in particular:

  • We have ensured that the processing is lawful, fair and transparent, in accordance with what was transmitted to the data subject at the time of collection and the data subject will be able to verify how the data are processed;

  • Data is collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes and is not processed for different purposes unless there is a clear overriding interest that so provides;

  • The personal data collected is appropriate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed;

  • Data is accurate and updated as needed;

  • Data is retained for as long as necessary and allows data holders to be identified only for the period required for the purposes for which it is processed, so a data maintenance, archiving and deletion policy has been implemented to ensure that data is not retained longer than is strictly necessary;

  • Data is processed in a manner that ensures your security, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and loss, destruction or accidental damage, and all other rights that you have as a data subject;

  • We ensure the anonymization of personal data, whenever required;

  • We respect professional confidentiality with the processed personal data;

  • Espírito Santo - Alojamento Local has defined clear rules for contracting of personal data processing with its subcontractors and requires them to take the necessary technical and organizational measures to protect it.


Notwithstanding all security measures taken, it should be noted that when accessing the Internet, you should take precautions regularly and take additional security measures, including through the use of an up-to-date computer and browser.

Espírito Santo - Alojamento Local may, at any time, modify or update this Data Protection Policy, which changes will be duly updated on our Platforms.

We therefore suggest that you check them regularly to be aware of any changes.

For any request or clarification do not hesitate to contact us.